Besoin de légèreté et de confort au quotidien ? Les chaussettes courtes sont là pour vous !
Pour des pieds bien au chaud et tout en douceur, optez pour les chaussettes à bouclettes !
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Archiduchesse met un point d’honneur à proposer des produits 100% fabrication française ! Nos chaussettes sont fabriquées dans le petite village des Cars dans le Limousin par l’entreprise Broussaud textiles qui tricote de la chaussette et des collants depuis 1938 !
Nos collants Femme sont fabriqués au coeur des Cévennes dans le village de Saint Bauzille de Putois par l’entreprise familiale Sotexmi.
Et les petits derniers, les espadrilles, viennent du fief historique des espadrilles : Mauléon dans le Sud-Ouest.
Voici les hauteurs des différentes gammes de chaussettes, attention avec +/- 5% de tolérance.
36/41 : 15cm
42/46 : 16cm
36/41 : 20,5cm
42/46 : 21,5cm
De Ville
36/41 : 28cm
42/46 : 28cm
De Luxe
36/41 : 30cm
42/46 : 30cm
Parce que prendre soin de ces chaussettes est essentiel. Mais que ça peut vite devenir casse-pied !
Nous avons créé, sous chaque fiche produit des conseils d’entretien spécifiques aux différentes catégories.
De manière générale :
> respecter les pictogrammes d’entretien inscrit sur le packaging de la chaussette (lavage à 30°C ou 40°C en fonction de la composition)
> Laver à l’envers
> Ne passer en aucun cas au sèche-linge
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Archiduchesse socks offer a wide choice of colors and shapes to dress your feet! The online store offers more than 40 colors and various models to meet all tastes: smooth and high De ville socks, Luxury Scottish socks, Short socks, Soft and warm Bouclettes socks, Fancy socks, socks invisible and even sticky. Our socks are entirely made in France, a real guarantee of quality. And since nothing is too good for your legs, Archiduchesse expands its collection in summer with a range of espadrilles, also 100% made in France!
Find the perfect pair of socks which will fit you here at Archiduchesse : Men’s socks or Ladies’ socks. Here you can choose from a huge selection of forty colours and sizes: from the funniest to the most classic ones. You can decide whether your shoes match better with a light Latte Beige, an English Green, a Violet Purple, a «Line 13 » Blue or a Grey Nocéros … And because style implies taste and comfort, our men’s socks and ladies’ socks come in various models, from very high to cover the ankle or on the contrary shoe liners to be invisible in summer: find the perfect fit. If you fear the cold and want to keep your feet warm, choose Bouclettes. If you want to be more sophisticated, go for fine socks in cotton Lisle thread. What about the little ones? Buy trendy socks for them. Our De Ville socks are also available in children’s sizes in 20 different colours, enough to brighten up their small feet.
Fun and offbeat, the Archiduchesse brand has made it a point of honour to offer socks entirely made in France. To protect your health and respect the environment the cotton we use is certified OEKO-TEX®: a label that guarantees the absence of harmful substances. Our items are knit at Broussaud Textiles: a company in the Limousin region in France, the partner of Archiduchesse since the beginning of the adventure and which certifies the products « Origin France Garantee ». Behind our Archiduchesse socks, there is a whole active community! Everyone can create their sock model and submit it to the vote: it is a unique opportunity to wear original and customized socks. Socks have become the indispensable accessorie!
Archiduchesse will help you take care of your feet all year round and in all weathers! In the summer heat, you can wear no show socks which remain under the ankle and are hidden in the shoe. For those who walk barefoot, Archiduchesse also offers a range of Espadrilles that come directly from the Southwest of France. Produced in Mauléon, in the Basque Country, Archiduchesse Espadrilles bring a splash of colour to your feet: Pumpkin Orange, Apple Green, Royal Blue … Against the first winter chills and grey skies choose from a range of adult footed tights : Carmine Red, Mustard Yellow, Purple Rain, Petrol Blue, Black Licorice. 100 % made in France, these tights in microfiber protect your legs and keep you comfy and warm.